Plot Summary:The misadventures of a quick-witted self-proclaimed know it all (Lefty) and his, the world owes me something in a big way, friend (Merde). The story takes place 3-months after these two lie to win an Extreme Home Makeover smack dab in the middle of a non-posh town! Not really knowing the ramifications that go along with having such a nice dwelling and what it takes to keep the house running on all cylinders; these two imbeciles try and do anything possible to keep the lights on, which are including but not limited a cult, bamboozling anybody and everybody for sex, drugs, money, social status, personal entertainment and last but not least, s&gs ! No ethnic group or race will be spared of a thrashing on this program, that's a fact! They try to accomplish a feat that many have tried but few have succeeded in, which is, to do things really good without really doing anything at all!
The aftermath of two quick-witted losers who won an Extreme Home Makeover in Small Town USA.