
又名:“反”芭比 / 小B妞儿


主演:洛根·布朗宁 贾娜尔·帕里希 娜塔莉亚·罗蒙丝 

导演:肖恩·麦克纳马拉 / 编剧:Susan Estelle Jansen





Plot Summary:Four best friends start high school. Each one is unique and likes their own thing. When Meredith, the most popular girl, sees this she automatically knows they are trouble. Eventually though Cloe joins the soccer team and hangs out with them, Sasha joins the cheer leading squad and hangs out with the cheerleaders, Jade is part of the math club so she hangs out with them, and Yasmin is left all alone. After years of not talking to each other Jade and Yasmin speak a few words in the restroom but Yasmin doesn't have the courage to tell Jade she misses her. Then the four girls are reunited when they are sent to detention for causing a food fight. After the girls are reunited they find out they are not invited to a huge party given by Meredith Then Cloe finds out that her mom got a job serving food at the party. They are forced to work for Meredith Then at the party Meredith decides to expose Yasmins secret which is her dancing and singing with a face mask. Then Yasmins brother starts doing a dance and then everybody joins in and Meredith is humiliated. When Meredith accidentally gets thrown into the pool she calls the four best friends "bratz." The girls then decide to be part of the talent show to win a scholarship. Meredith is always the one who wins but the "bratz" are prepared to take her down. But when Meredith finds she threatens Yasmin by telling her that if she continued preparing for the show she would expose her friends secrets. Yasmin decides to call everything off. At the end the girls still do the talent show and they tell everybody there secrets who turn out not to be so bad. The girls win and they each end up with their crushes. The girls decide to give Cloe the scholarship. The movie ends with the girls walking down a red carpet.
就读于卡瑞·纳辛高中的雅斯敏(娜塔莉亚·罗蒙丝 Nathalia Ramos 饰)、洁儿(詹尼尔·帕里士 Janel Parrish 饰)、萨莎(罗根·布朗宁 Logan Browning 饰)和科洛(斯凯勒·莎耶 Skyler Shaye 饰)是4个友情笃深、亲密无间的好姐妹,她们自称“贝兹少女”。不过,崭新的高中生活让女孩们的心思飘忽,她们开始朝着各自的兴趣与爱好发展,四人聚少离多,并渐渐心生离析。   校长迪姆利(Jon Voight 饰)曾是一名作风严谨的军人,他的女儿梅雷迪丝(切尔西·斯特布 Chelsea Staub 饰)作为学生会主席,秉承了父亲的硬派风格,将学生们分而化之,实行军事化的高压管理。在高中的最后一个学年,四个女孩惹到梅雷迪丝及其父亲,也由此分开良久的贝兹少女再次聚首,她们将为了友情和自由与梅雷迪丝展开斗争……


敬 • 这类10来岁的美式青春片您真不用花时间了。

我要加一个我kaO才能表达我对这片儿的烂 海报欺骗性太大。 扯的又不吸引人。 good gir

草莓酱 • BFFs!

看这部电影是因为校内上有人推荐说这是女生应该看的很多部电影之一。看了之后我确实觉得it's real

淇宝宝 • 美国13岁左右小MM看的电影


坏宝儿 • 喜欢里面的音乐

典型的美国电影,没什么太有创意的情节,但是四个女孩儿漂亮可爱,善良坚强~ 里面的歌曲都不错,尤其最后

猴头姑 • 黑人女生非常漂亮

特别是眼睛 至于他们的打扮。我觉得太多装饰品,太花哨,有点儿没品味。 不过反正是teenage,所