Plot Summary:Two brothers -- Ranvir and Rajvir along with their parents move to Mumbai. They endure numerous hardships, but their will to survive prevails and they succeed. Soon, their parents pass away, leaving young Rajvir in the care of Ranvir. Now wealthy beyond any means, Ranvir runs the business and Rajvir lives recklessly. When Rajvir falls in love, Ranvir arranges his marriage, but to his dismay finds out that he has arranged his brother to marry the girl he loves.
兰威(sunny deol)和拉吉威(bobby deol)是一家兄弟,他们很小的时候父母去世。母亲临终前把年纪比较小的弟弟拉吉威托付给哥哥兰威,一定要好好的照顾弟弟。然后他们两兄弟前往到孟买。他们遇到很多磨难以后,兰威辛苦的创建了一座公司,然后他事业越来越发达,渐渐富裕。弟弟拉吉威爱上了哥哥看上的女孩,最后弟弟婚礼的时候他才知道想嫁给弟弟的女孩是他心上人。