
又名:人间天堂 - 马达加斯加: 一个与世隔绝的世界

主演:狐猴 面包树 变色龙  

导演:Andrew Young / 





Plot Summary:In the dawn light, mist caresses the forested mountains of an alien world. A strange shape appears in the trees -- a furry creature looking like something from the pages of a Dr. Suess book. It throws back its head and lets out a deafening wail. Welcome to planet Madagascar - a world unto itself, where evolution has taken the familiar and created the bizarre. Split off from the African mainland since the age of dinosaurs, Madagascar's isolation provided a safe haven for creatures from a forgotten time. Here, they flourished into countless forms that exist nowhere else. This installment of the award winning "Living Edens" series presents an extraordinary cast of characters. Chameleons of every color, shape and size snap up insects with marksman-like accuracy. A panther-like carnivore called a fossa pursues its prey through the tree tops with frightening agility. Brilliantly colored frogs emerge from the ground and compete vigorously for mates. A majestic fish eagle, one of the rarest ...
