爱是土豆Love is Potatoes(2017)

又名:Liefde is aardappelen



导演:Aliona van der Horst / 





Plot Summary:One day, Dutch film maker, Aliona van der Horst was given her inheritance: 6 square meters, one sixth of a small, wooden house in the Russian countryside where her mother grew up. It was as if life had handed her a card she felt forced to play.She began a journey into the past, back into the childhood of her Russian mother and her five sisters, all of whom struggled with fear, famine and war in Stalin's Russia; experiences that left them scarred to their very soul. Aliona's quest into the lives and fate of her family becomes a loving, poignant, and poetic film with characters that could come from any classic novel. Accompanied by the magical animation of acclaimed Italian artist Simone Massi, unimaginable events in the Soviet past are given an extraordinary and immediate charge. Along with the stories of ordinary people living in a small farm house, the film maker tells the tale of Soviet terror, immense bravery and a fear that has never left those four walls.
荷兰导演阿丽娜·冯·德·霍斯特继承到母亲的遗产——位于俄罗斯农村六平方米的破旧木房子,那是她母亲长大的小木屋的六分之一。   她感受到生活留给她的重担,决意踏上通向过往的征途,回到母亲与其五位姐妹的童年——斯大林统治时期的苏联,看到她们苦苦挣扎着与恐惧斗争,饱受饥馑和战乱,灵魂伤痕累累。
