
又名:Oraa Guzura dado / 万能怪兽

主演:大平透 东美江 富山敬 麻生るみ子 松尾佳子 

导演:笹川博 / 





Plot Summary:One day Mt. Bikkura erupts and blows up a huge egg, which hatches a funny little monster named Jazora. Astray in the human world, he is surprised and puzzled as everything he hears and sees is so strange and wonderful, and he is involved in odd affairs one after another. Besides, people around him are often drawn into humorous troubles. He has a magic ability to eat metal and produce a variety of mechanical devices. Also, he can blow flames out of his mouth and jump high using his powerful tail. Yet he is so innocent and friendly that he becomes popular wherever he goes.
ビックラ山の火口から生まれたユーモラスな怪獣グズラが、ヌケ田家に転がりこんだことから巻き起こるドタバタコメディー。鉄が好物で大食いのグズラは、   グズでドジだけど曲がったことが大嫌い。持ち前の正義感から珍騒動を繰り返す。
