出包王女 DarknessTo LOVEる-ダークネス-(2012)

又名:To Love-Ru Darkness

主演:渡边明乃 丰崎爱生 福圆美里 户松遥 矢作纱友里 伊藤加奈惠 花泽香菜 名塚佳织 柚木凉香 新井里美 能登麻美子 

导演:大槻敦史 / 上坪亮树 / 长泽刚 / 竹下良平 / 小林浩辅 / 久保山英一 / 编剧:矢吹健太朗/长谷见沙贵

出包王女 Darkness:在线播放

出包王女 Darkness:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 To Love-Ru Darkness OVA's (01 - 06)
2019-05-11 [A.I.R.nesSub][To_Love_Ru_Darkness 出包王女 Darkness][

出包王女 Darkness:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:As close encounters of the twisted kind between the residents of the planet Develuke (represented primarily by the female members of the royal family) and the inhabitants of Earth (represented mainly by one very exhausted Rito Yuki) continue to escalate, the situation spirals even further out of control. When junior princesses Nana and Momo transferred into Earth School where big sister LaLa can (theoretically) keep an eye on them, things SHOULD be smooth sailing. But when Momo decides she'd like to "supplement" Rito's relationship with LaLa with a little "sisterly love," you know LaLa's not going to waste any time splitting harems. Unfortunately, it's just about that point that Yami, the Golden Darkness, enters the scene with all the subtleness of a supernova, along with an army of possessed high school students! All of which is certain to make Rito's life suck more than a black hole at the family picnic.
结城梨斗(渡边明乃 配音)是一位平凡的高中生,暗恋着青梅竹马西连寺春菜(矢作纱友里 配音),然而,腼腆的梨斗决心将这份真挚地感情深深埋藏在心底,每日只是在角落里偷偷地凝望着自己的女神。   某日,一位名叫菈菈·萨塔琳·戴比路克(户松遥 配音)的外星女王突然从天而降,成为了梨斗的同居人,就这样,梨斗开始了和菈菈一起的没羞没臊地生活。金色暗影(福圆美里 配音)本是为了暗杀梨斗而来的宇宙第一杀手,却莫名其妙地留在了地球,为了让金色暗影重新返回杀手界,黑咲芽亚(井口裕香 配音)被派出来到了梨斗的身边,这一次,又会有怎样有趣的故事发生呢?


PsycheNAVI • 我愿用一生的节操换ToLOVE永不完结。

这部作品可以算是后宫番的顶峰,摄影界的楷模。到第三季终于成为神作。 大槻敦史在我的狐仙女友(かのこん

Aaron • 关于我的角度看 To Love--菈菈

出包女王 Darkness是出包女王第三季,从第一季看过来,毋庸置疑,我已经越来越喜欢这个

无趣的人 • BD既出,圣光已逝,五星满满

矢吹老师的手太毒了,加上动画对漫画原著的完整还原,这是一部宅男必备的佳作。 第2季的横空出世拯救了