



Plot Summary:the story is set at the beginning of the 18th century in feudal Japan.Having become embroiled in a feud in his home domain, a young swordsman named Matahachiro leaves for the city of Edo (now Tokyo). There he embarks on a new and eventful career as a yojin-bo, or bodyguard. Matahachiro happened to hear about a conspiracy for the assassination of his lord, and his fiancee's father was part of the plot. Matahachiro was forced to kill him in self-defense. In Edo, an embittered Matahachiro works with his counterpart Gendayu Hosoya. As he faces various incidents, he even crosses paths with the famous "47 ronin", a group of samurai who are plotting to revenge the death of their master, the Lord of Ako.
1992年NHK电视台推出的金曜時代剧,原作是藤泽周平的《用心棒日月抄》、《平四郎活人剑》。由于备受好评,又接连推出了第二篇和第三篇,成为一个系列剧。 元禄十三年,在东北小藩仕官的青江又八郎偶然听到谋害藩主的阴谋,被迫杀死未来岳父,被未婚妻由龟目击。青江逃往江户,结识了浪人细谷。该剧多线并行,主线是主角在江户做保镖的故事,支线则是赤穗义士事件,主导阴谋的家老大富亦不断派出刺客追杀又八郎。 出演本剧的柳泽吉保、大石内藏助由石坂浩二、江守徹扮演,与1975年的大河剧《元禄太平记》同役。浅野内匠头(隆大介)切腹的部分,采用的是《峠之群像》的镜头。
