神探酷杰克 第五季Kojak(1977)

主演:特利·萨瓦拉斯 丹·弗雷泽 凯文·道布森 George Savalas Mark Russell 

导演:Charles S. Dubin / 吉诺特·兹瓦克 / 编剧:阿比·曼 Abby Mann/Selwyn Raab

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神探酷杰克 第五季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Kojak is ordered not to interfere with a Federal investigation when he locates a witness to the killing of a police officer in pursuit of the man who murdered a store owner. The killer is caught but will soon be released without her identification. Kojak learns that she is the girlfriend of a mobster who is known for his extreme violence. Kojak's problem? Get her cooperation, jail the mobster and secure her testimony without jeopardizing the Federal case.
