Plot Summary:Three wordless rituals: birth, between, and rebirth. A woman lies at the bottom of a swimming pool, alone. The camera pans her body. She starts to rise, then sinks; convulsions follow and then she rises and hovers above the pool. A shirtless man in white pants stands in an asphalt lot, a car visible on either side. Convulsions begin. The cars back up, still facing him and each other. They pause; they race toward him. He leaps. A youth, shirtless and in white shorts, stands in front of a tall building. Doors open, he enters and walks to an elevator. Convulsions strike him as he rides to a top floor, exits the elevator, pauses, and runs toward a window. He crashes through.
充满哲学和诗意 “Ritual”(“仪式”) “出生”,“中间”, “重生”。 荒川修作和他的诗人妻子的共同作品“倒转的命运”( “Reversible Destiny”) 柔和各种元素,宗教的,艺术的,哲学的,科技的和电影 诡异和深沉的旋律 演员深邃和悲伤的眼神,颤动的肌肉 每秒500 Frames拍摄速度的关系,大多数场景在光照充足的白天拍摄以外,在灯光照明上也做了不少准备 电影本身不具备讲述玄学和高深道理的特性(因为电影史上很多诸如此类的尝试基本上都是失败的),但是影象的表现力和它提供的想像空间是能够视觉化不可理喻的东西。 NEMO实验电影节