Vakantie in eigen land(2011)


主演:Amalia Yuno Lottie Hellingman Max van Burg 

导演:Hanro Smitsman / 编剧:Rob Bloemkolk

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Vakantie in eigen land:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Joep slaves tirelessly to earn the fortune his spoiled rotten wife Claire wastes and their naive brat Saskia, who cares only for ballet class. But his dodgy investment firm, based on multiple 'tax evasion', is already in trouble with the tax services, and now discontented client Alex, contractor and dad of Saskia's ballet mate Anouk, uses violent goon Rogier to extort money Joep just doesn't have. Joep's lawyer Charles, Claire's equally adulterous lover, is no help. Joen runs with his threatened family on 'holiday' to his late parents' run-down cottage. There they meet rascal Tem's gypsy family and develop a new, less materialistic look on life.
