Plot Summary:Several lives intertwine in a mixed up tale of love, drugs, murder and betrayal. When Bobby is sent to prison, one thing haunts his thoughts - who ratted him out? Elsewhere, Gerry and his girlfriend are going through a chaotic breakdown. Soon, through the fate and chance, several lives are running into each other in this gut-wrenching drama.
几个人的生活在爱情、毒品、谋杀和背叛的混杂故事中纠缠着。当Bobby入狱后,一个疑团始终在他的心头萦绕 - 到底是谁出卖了他? 在另外一个地方,Gerry和他的女朋友也在经历着混乱和崩溃。很快,在命运和机会的趋势下,几个人的生活在这个痛苦的剧情中碰面。