

主演:Ron Sexsmith Kiefer Sutherland Leslie Feist Bob Rock Christopher Sexsmith Rob Bowman 

导演:Douglas Arrowsmith / 编剧:Douglas Arrowsmith





Plot Summary:An atmospheric quest film, Love Shines follows Canadian songwriter Ron Sexsmith as he embarks on a last ditch effort to achieve a 'hit'. The curtain pulls back for a rare glimpse inside the process as Sexsmith works with legendary producer Bob Rock (Metallica, Motley Crue). But will this be enough? Sexsmith must emerge with a song that achieves commercial radio play, but the journey with Rock also turns introspective. Through a series of flashbacks, Sexsmith confronts the meaning of success, weighing the lure of stardom against the humble beginnings that sparked the 'birth' of his songs. Punctuated by Super 8 footage chronicling the early years, and a stellar cast, Love Shines is a journey to the heart and soul of what songwriting is truly about.
纪录片记载了Ron Sexsmith这位被认为是加拿大最具才华的词曲作者和歌手,在多年的创作和演唱努力,但始终无法得到主流媒体的关注,虽然在欧美地区拥有一群忠实的歌迷,但他的唱片销量始终无法证明他的成功,这让他很感到沮丧。   Ron决心要做最后一次尝试,他请来了超级制作人Bob Rock,这位曾为Aerosmith, The Cult, Bon Jovi, Metallica还有 Mötley Crüe制作过唱片的音乐制作人,为他精心打造一张全新专辑《Love Shines》。   通过这部纪录片,你可以看到Ron Sexsmith的成长历程,他的创作才华及他的作品等...
