《热天午后》:改编'Dog Day Afternoon': Recreating the Facts(2006)

又名:The Making of 'Dog Day Afternoon': 30th Anniversary Documentary, Part 3



导演:洛朗·布泽罗 / 





Plot Summary:The documentary focus on the several difficult aspects Sidney Lumet, his cast and crew faced in order to recreate their filmed version behind the dramatic events that happened on that hot summer day of August, 1972, the basis for the classic Dog Day Afternoon (1975). Years later, Lumet, Pacino and others discuss the similarities with the events and the transformations needed in order to present the real life story to the screen.


出门忘记帽子的 • Not only AL Pacino

也不是仅仅看一场计划粗糙的银行抢劫 为歹徒撑腰也是见怪不怪的斯德哥尔摩 所以其实你知道他们也不可能