红豆女之恋내 사랑 팥쥐(2002)

又名:My Love Patzzi

主演:张娜拉 金载沅 金来沅 洪恩熙 

导演:李振石 / 编剧:金在英 Yi Young Kim



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】红豆女之恋迅雷下载.2002.2.15gb.torrent



Plot Summary:Song Yi is a girl with a pure heart but has a bad temper. She was tricked and humiliated by her "best friend" Hee Won as a child. From then on, Hee Won has always been the princess and successful while everyone mistook Song Yi for the evil child. When Song Yi did not have a job, Hee Won introduced her to the amusement park that she is in charge of. There she found her childhood friend and ex-crush Hyun Sung, who Hee Won has "stole" when they were kids. From then on, Hee Won tried to humiliate Song Yi many times, framing her in many situations that Hee Won has created herself. To get back at Hee Won, she decided to break the train that the park was launching so that Hee Won would be blamed. Little did she know that she caused more damage and that the train caught on fire. What was worse was that the son of the president of the park was on the train. Ridden with guilt, Song Yi risks her own life to save the life of Seung Joon. Seung Joon fell in love with Song Yi for her brave spirit ...
杨松儿(张娜拉 饰)和殷希媛(洪恩熙 饰)是从小一起长大的2个死对头。松儿外表野蛮暴力又没教养,一直没什么人缘的她其实是个单纯善良的人。希媛正好相反,她表面美丽善良,又极会拉拢人心,但是暗地里她是个城府极深的卑鄙腹黑女。松儿丢了幼儿园的工作后,希媛假装好心把她介绍到自己任职设计师的游乐园去当小丑。松儿借此机会遇到了小学时暗恋的同学金贤成(金来沅 饰),贤成现在是游乐园水族馆的驯兽师,俩人不打不相识,成了好朋友。在松儿的衬托下,希媛本来是处处占尽了上风的人生赢家,但是自从江承俊(金载沅 饰)的出现,一切打乱了希媛的计划。江承俊是游乐园的继承人,希媛心目中最佳金龟婿人选,可偏偏他看上了杨松儿这个灰姑娘。同时,贤成通过跟松儿的交往也渐渐对她萌生爱意,加上腹黑女殷希媛的从中作梗,杨松儿这个现代版灰姑娘将何去何从?


墨儿 • 物是人非

高二的时候,每天下课,匆匆赶回家,抱着碗饭就开始看。记得从来没有看见过每天的开头。 如今研二了,突发

Crisitina Yang
Crisitina Yang • 很好看


Llllll__ • 那时的金在元叫杀人微笑

04年,我初二,偶然在音像店翻到这片,一部只有8张光盘的微型泡沫剧 我珍藏了,至今这片还躺在我家CD

西狂龙女 • 喜欢金在元

很久很久以前看的,可是还记得在元在里面的每一次心动。 我最喜欢他在熙媛打小报告说的那