Plot Summary:The sixth Hanna-Barbera syndicated cartoon after their departure from MGM starred Peter Potamus (a purple hippopotamus), and his traveling companion So-So (a monkey), who fly back and forth through time in a balloon participating in historic events. Whenever they get into serious enough trouble, as they do in every episode, Peter defeats his enemies with his trademark "Hippo Hurricane Hollar." Other cartoon shorts include, "Breezly and Sneely," and "Yippee, Yappee, and Yahooey."
汉娜芭芭拉从米高梅离开后的第六部联合漫画由彼得·波塔姆(紫色河马)和他的旅伴苏(猴子)主演,他们乘着气球经理各种历史事件,在时间上来回飞行。每当他们陷入足够严重的麻烦中,就像他们在每一集所做的那样,彼得用他的标志性的“Hippo Hurricane Hollar.”打败他的敌人。其他卡通短片包括,“Breezly and Sneely”,“Yippee,Yappee, and Yahooey