
又名:Punishment / Beat Him Up / 惩罚


主演:黄礼丰 初孟轩 Meng-Hsuan Chu 刘奕生 

导演:杨科 / 





Plot Summary:Beat Him Up focuses on issues of bullying and mental health, exploring the profound ways in which guilt and repressed emotions can change and ruin lives. Set in a Taiwanese high school, the film follows the weak-willed Zhang Shi-hao, who becomes jealous when a new transfer student called Lin Yu-en steals his girlfriend and eventually gets her pregnant. Although Zhang is too meek to take revenge, his best friend A-Yang sets up a brutal attack on Lin with a group of other boys. The timid Zhang joins in, releasing his pent up anger and frustration, feeling a sense of satisfaction afterwards, which turns to shock and guilt when Lin collapses and dies during a PE lesson the next day. Blaming himself, the tormented Zhang decides to confess, though fate has something else in store for him. Through Zhang's personal journey, the film examines the process of redemption, asking the question whether guilt can be a positive force, pushing us to rise above our shortcomings.
故事发生在台湾的高中校园内,张世豪是一个性格非常内向,又很胆小怕事的男孩,有一个漂亮又温柔的女朋友,可正因为如此,他在爱情里总是觉得非常没有安全感,害怕女朋友会离他而去。人生,就是你越害怕什么,什么就会发生。学校里新来了一位名叫林语恩的转校生,样貌帅气的他很快就成为了学校里人人议论的焦点,而张世豪发现,自己的女朋友似乎也对他非常的感兴趣。   虽然心中有诸多的不满,但张世豪并不敢发泄出来,而他的死党阿阳却无法咽下这口气,他决定找到林语恩好好的败败他的威风。在一次偶一次的霸凌中,张世豪意外的发现了隐藏在内心里的黑暗面。
