



Plot Summary:The story unfolds in the mid 1980s and centers on three dancers of the famous Russian folk dance ensemble Beryozka. A small town girl Varya lives in poverty with a sick father. She attends sewing school until one day she sees Beryozka's performance on TV and falls in love with dance. Every day Varya trains in her tiny apartment trying to master the 'floating step' technique on her own. The girl saves up some money and goes to Moscow to join the troupe. And Beryozka is ready to accept her... but only as a cleaner. However the purposeful girl doesn't give up and keeps training every day. Eventually the artistic director of the ensemble Nadezhda realizes that she has a real nugget washing the floors! As opposed to Varya, Lena has a perfect life. The girl from the Moscow professorial family dances all her life and is easily accepted into Beryozka. Lena's mother who always dreamt of being a dancer herself now actively pushes her daughter to choose career in dancing. But what does Lena ...
