Plot Summary:Cody, a boy from Mugwomp Flats responds to a distress call about a trapped giant Golden Eagle called Marahute. Freeing her, he gains a close friendship with the bird. However, Cody is soon abducted by the murderous poacher, Percival McLeach, who is after that bird which is of a highly endangered species and therefore an extremely profitable quarry. In a panic, a mouse Cody freed from one of McLeach's traps sends a desperate call for help to the Rescue Aid Society in New York City who assigns their top agents, Miss Bianca and Bernard, to the task. With transportation provided by the goofy albatross, Wilbur, the agents arrive in Australia and link up with the RAS' local field operative, Jake the Kangaroo Rat. Together, the trio must race against time to find Cody, stop McLeach, and save Marahute.
广袤壮观的澳洲大陆,小男孩科迪(亚当·雷恩 Adam Ryen 配音)和妈妈生活于此,科迪结交了许多动物朋友,每天尽情享受大自然的馈赠。然而,接二连三盗猎者肆无忌惮捕杀动物、破坏了澳洲大陆的宁静。这一日,科迪意外遭遇邪恶的盗猎者麦克里奇,为了抓住珍贵的金雕,麦克里奇把男孩当作诱饵绑架起来。这一消息通过动物们很快传到地球另一边的美国纽约,美丽勇敢的小老鼠比安卡(Eva Gabor 配音)和爱恋她的伯纳德(Bob Newhart 配音)担负起这次的救援任务。一场横跨万里重洋、惊险刺激而又妙趣横生的救援行动就此展开…… 本片荣获1991年青年艺术家奖、1990年洛杉矶影评人协会最佳动画片奖。