Plot Summary:A group of travelers, including a monk, stay in a lonely inn in the mountains. The host confesses the monk his habit of serving a soporific soup to the guests, to rob their possessions and to bury them in the backyard. The story unfolds as the monk tries to save the guest's lives without violating the holy secrecy of the confession.
故事發生在1883年阿爾岱什高原上,馬田(Martin)老爹與妻子在Payrebeille經營一家旅館.因為利令智昏,他們不斷的加害於在冬夜迷途的旅客,黑人幫傭Fetiche和老闆的漂亮女兒Mathilde也對他們的勾當無動於衷. 一天一個神父和他年輕的修士Jeannou來到旅館投宿.虔誠的馬田老媽在她的懺悔詞中揭露的黑店的真面目,並暗示可以放過神父.知道真相後驚魂未定的神父想馬上逃走,但又不忍心捨下店中眾人,於是希望用智慧挽救即在眼眉的災難......