80, Los(2004)

又名:Ochenta, Los


主演:José Coronado Aitana Sánchez-Gijón Félix Gómez Bea Segura José Gascón 

导演:Iñaki Mercero / Pepa Sánchez Biezma / 

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80, Los:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In a date close to February, the 23th, 1981, the day of the military strike to the Spanish Goverment, Martin's children make a visit to him in Madrid. They're going to stay with him for a while, because Martin's ex-wife is going to Valencia to work. Meanwhile, Nuria's life is going worse day by day. Her relationship with her husband goes worse and she is also loosing her daughter friendship. The military strike is another element to add to these situations...
