血战蜥蜴山Blood on the Arrow(1964)


主演:戴尔·罗伯逊 玛莎·海尔 温戴尔·柯瑞 保罗·曼迪 罗伯特·凯里卡特 特·德·科若 小伊莱莎·库克 汤姆·里斯 

导演:西德尼·萨尔科夫 / 编剧:马克·汉纳 Mark Hanna/Robert E. Kent



日期 资源名称
2019-09-08 Blood on the Arrow (West. 1964) D. Robertson 72



Plot Summary:In 1871 Arizona, after Geronimo's escape to Mexico and Apache return to the reservation, a tribe of Coyotero Apaches are defying orders to lay down their arms. They attack army patrols and settlements. Captured outlaw Wade Cooper is transported by an army patrol to the nearest fort when they are attacked by Apaches. All are killed, except Wade who is wounded. Making his way to a creek he's saved by Nancy Mailer who washed in the waters. She takes him to the nearby trading post which is run by her family. Clint Mailer is her husband and Tim is her son. The husband has a secret gold mine nearby and has extracted 20,000 dollars in gold nuggets already. The family hides Wade but an army patrol, en route towards the troublesome Apache, tells the Mailers to leave the unsafe area immediately. While they all pack to leave, Apaches attack the trading post and take all rifles they can find. When they want to kill the whites, Clint Mailer promises them many more rifles in exchange for their ...
