Plot Summary:Trento, first'900. Clara Grandi stages her death and returns under you lie bare, covered by a black veil, to discover what mystery hides its family. The series is a flashback that follows the existence of Clara from its birth up to the twenty-six years: Clara is forced to a marriage combined with the count Guido Fossà, with which however little by little the love it buds, from which a child is born, Aurora. Adelaide and Cornelio, aunt and cousin of Clara, design a plan to gain the inheritance that is up to her. Another tormented scenery sees the adventures of the protagonists: St. Leonardo, the suburb where Clara is grown for wish of her father and where, in the same day of his/her birth, a fact kept secret has happened for a long time and completed by Adelaide.
意大利 RAI公司出品,讲述了一个贵族大小姐的婚姻故事。