Plot Summary:It is a dramatic narrative about the relationship between mother and son. A devout mother discovers that her son, who has physical disabilities, is homosexual and has a strong need to explore his sexuality. She has to choose between her faith in God and the love and understanding she has for her son.
Hold On 讲述了发生在母子之间的故事。母亲是虔诚的天主教徒,独自照顾天生患有残疾的儿子。一天,她发现儿子是同性恋并且意识到他拥有每个成年男人都有的对性的渴望。可是,无论是同性恋还是婚前性行为都是宗教所禁止的。于是,她陷入了内心的挣扎,到底是继续对她的神保持绝对忠诚,还是对儿子抱以爱和理解?