Ferien wie noch nie(1963)


主演:伊娃·巴尔托克 卡洛斯·汤普森 科妮·科林斯 

导演:Wolfgang Schleif / 编剧:海因茨·奥斯卡·武蒂希 Heinz Oskar Wuttig

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Ferien wie noch nie:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Bank manager John Valera is a man of the world, a dazzling-looking gentleman from head to toe. Tired of his business, he one day leaves everything to have a rest, leaves his workplace in Berlin and travels incognito to Italy, where he wants to unwind and spend a holiday like never before. As his travel budget starts to shrink more and more, Valera is not reluctant to accept various jobs and earns his living as a jazz trumpeter, servant, chauffeur and assistant to a gang of thieves.
