Plot Summary:Casey Falls is the assistant of commodity trader Peter Oak, but wants to get a license herself. When the diabolic Nike appears and promises to make her successful by use of her supernatural abilities, Casey hesitantly accepts. By correctly predicting the price of soybeans, she manages to make a career, but the price that Nike demands is high: she wants Casey's soul!
凯希•福斯(Nancy Allen 南希•爱伦 饰)是芝加哥股票交易所的一名助理期货交易员,她工作努力、精明干练,然而在男人占统治地位的证券市场她却很难获得成功。偶然的机会,她遇到魔鬼奈克(Danitra Vance 饰)。凯希得到奈克的帮助,成功获得了从业资格,并且准确预言了世界黄豆市场价格,她的事业开始出现转机。 不过,世上从来没有免费的午餐,奈克的魔法需要付出高昂的代价,那就是凯希的灵魂。经过这一系列沉浮,凯希终于意识到自己迫切寻求成功的心情给自己和周遭带来什么样的危害……