Plot Summary:A year after the first Taipei Factory, the Taipei Film Commission teams up with Italy's Rai Cinema on the second installment of the omnibus project. This time, three Taiwan directors - Cho Li (The Rice Bomber), Hou Chi-Jan (When A Wolf Falls in Love With a Sheep) and Hsieh Chun-yi (Apolitical Romance) - each collaborate with an Italian actor on a short film. In Cho's Soap Opera, an Italian woman (Margot Sikabonyi) and a Taiwanese man (Jag Huang) develop a friendship on social media. In Hou's The Thrill is Gone, an Italian vampire (Michele Cesari) takes a trip to Taipei, but forgets something important. In Hsieh's Luca, an Italian man (Marco Foschi) flies to Taipei after his estranged wife dies there.
李烈、葉如芬監製,台北市電影委員會製作的《台北工廠II》是由謝駿毅執導的《盧卡》、卓立執導的《愛情肥皂劇》以及侯季然執導的《顫慄》所組成,三部影片集結金馬影后楊貴媚、金鐘影后苗可麗、莊凱勛、黃健瑋、游安順等實力派演員,與合作的義籍演員們激盪出不少可觀的火花。 《盧卡》講述義大利型男來台灣搶奪愛妻亡體,卻從利害關係感受到文化衝擊,最後成了流連在台北車海裡的摩托車騎士;《愛情肥皂劇》則鮮活逗趣地透過千變萬化的神秘女子和在酒吧打工的台灣導演的荒謬愛情,開了電影與人生一個玩笑;《顫慄》讓義大利吸血鬼和台北計程車司機從咬噬的痛楚與快感中,牽動秘密的慾望經脈。全片元素豐富,也展現台灣新銳導演開發類型的強烈企圖。