


导演:菲利普斯·斯莫利 / 





Plot Summary:Mrs. Forbes, the housekeeper at the country mansion of Mr. Evringham, a disappointed, embittered aristocrat, is very much worried. After many years as the housekeeper of this widower, who is almost a luxurious recluse, all the household has been turned upside down by the advent of the wife of Evringhani's dead son, Lawrence, who has arrived with her daughter, Eloise. The mother is a schemer, who, reduced to her last penny, is pulling every wire to induce wealthy young Dr. Ballard to marry Eloise. It looks as if she is going to succeed and the need for success is imperative because Mr. Evringham is set against his female dependents, and it appears that they may be expelled from his home at any moment. Then word comes from another son, Harry Evringham, who writes that he and his wife have to make a business trip abroad and he asks his father to take Jewel, the child he has never seen, into his home for six weeks, when he and his wife will have returned. Old Mr. Evringham reluctantly agrees to his son's request. He hates children and is gruff, unresponsive and self-centered. The only reason he agrees to take the child is because his daughter-in-law, the widow, tries to get him to refuse. He hates this daughter-in-law, and therefore, takes Jewel in to spite her. Upon her arrival, Jewel meets with a very cool reception. She finds that, according to the Christian Science teachings with which she is familiar, that she has entered a household of hatred and discord. She puts the scriptures and Mrs. Eddy's teachings to practical use and proves to all scoffers that she has found and can demonstrate the truth. Jewel takes a strong liking to her bluff, stern old grandfather and he finds his heart softening under her influence. She cures herself of a fever in which she falls, owing, as she says, to a shadow of hatred which passed over her for the inmates of the house. She wins the heart of the grim housekeeper when she redeems her drunkard son from the grip of the liquor demon. She converts Eloise to the truth of Divine Science and proves to everyone that Science can win in spite of all. She reaps a harvest of good from a bleak and barren soil, uniting the strained and jarring household by chain after chain of love.
