

主演:Qandeel Baloch 

导演:Tazeen Bari / Saad Khan / 





Plot Summary:The life, death and impact of Pakistan's working-class icon Qandeel Baloch, killed in 2016 after becoming a social media celebrity. This film tells Qandeel's story through her own videos and media appearances. A young, fearless woman who collided with Pakistan's mainstream media, Qandeel exposed the religious right and challenged middle-class morality. From her life before stardom in a rural village to her early days in entertainment as a model and actor, Qandeel gained attention by making provocative web videos. We get to know Qandeel through her family, admirers and those she interacted with and inspired. The film also analyses her life through the lens of class and power politics and connects it to women's continuing struggle for self-expression in Pakistan.
本片讲述了巴基斯坦网红坎德尔·巴洛奇的生与死和其对社会产生的影响。   她成为巴基斯坦的网红后在2016年被其亲弟弟杀害。   本片通过坎德尔·巴洛奇自己拍的短片和媒体对她的采访讲述坎德尔自己的故事。   坎德尔是一位年轻无畏的女性,不惧与巴基斯坦的主流媒体发生碰撞。坎德尔暴露 出巴基斯坦的宗教权力现状并挑战了巴基斯坦资产阶级的道德观。   坎德尔成名之前在乡下生活,早期在娱乐圈当过模特和演员,一路走来她在网上发布了多个引起社会争议的视频,引起大众的注意。   我们通过坎德尔的家人、她的粉丝、与她互动的人和她启发的人来了解坎德尔。   本片也通过巴基斯坦的阶层冲突以及权力政治的视角来剖析她的人生,并将其与巴基斯坦的女性一直以来为争取表达自己的抗争相关联起来。——《英国卫报》
