La loterie du bonheur(1953)


主演:Yves Deniaud 雷蒙·比西埃尔 安妮特·普瓦夫尔 Suzanne Dehelly Jean-Marc Tennberg 丹尼尔·勒库图瓦 Paul Demange Daniel Mendaille 

导演:让·格雷特 / 编剧:Jean Ferry

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La loterie du bonheur:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Mr Lucas, a grocer ,wants to attract the clientele :he imagines a lottery:every week, you can win a bike.It's a big success.All the inhabitants become Mr Lucas' s customers.But at every draw,the winner is a provincial guy nobody knows.The furious population wants to wreck the place ,but the storekeeper's son saves the situation.And at last ,the prize is won by a local brat.The providential son marries the notions dealer's niece.
