倾国倾城孪生花Teseo contro il minotauro(1960)

又名:Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete


主演:鲍勃·马赛厄斯 罗莎娜·斯基亚菲诺 Alberto Lupo 里克·巴塔利亚 

导演:西尔维奥·阿玛迪奥 / 编剧:Gian Paolo Callegari





Plot Summary:King Minos sacrifices the 'required' virgins to the Minotaur. As his wife lies dieing, she confesses that her daughter has a twin she has secreted to avoid giving one of the girls to the Minotaur. The daughter raised by Minos tries to have her twin killed, but failing in her first attempt, continues to try to have her given to the Minotaur. Theseus, the Greek hero, tries to prevent it.
In ancient Crete, a monster called the Minotaur (half bull, half man) can only be satisfied by virgin sacrifices. The evil ruler of Crete is determined to keep the monster happy by sacrificing as many of the island's virgins as he can, but a pair of friends determine to kill the monster and stop the sacrifices.
