The Proposal(2022)


主演:Joe Joseph Alicia Louise Clair Sara Martin Phillyda Murphy Suhas Pattathil Anumodh Paul Amara Raja Sana Subedi Karthika Menon Thomas 

导演:Joe Joseph / 

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The Proposal:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:When all the hard but crookedly planned attempts to succeed in life hilariously fails, Davis ventures to arranged marriage plan with one tag line - \"no dowry asked but get me a visa to settle in a foreign country\". When Davis meets Sandra through a matrimonial website, his story takes a turn.
When all the hard but crookedly planned attempts to succeed in life hilariously fails, Davis ventures to arranged marriage plan with one tag line - "no dowry asked but get me a visa to settle in a foreign country". When Davis meets Sandra through a matrimonial website, his story takes a turn.
