Plot Summary:Osamu Suzuno (NAOTO) is a handsome voice actor, and the released his photo albums are doing well. He has a secret lover, Alice (Komiya Arisa), who is also a popular voice actor and singer. Though Suzuno's management company has been tried to sell him as a handsome idol, he wanted to be seen as just a voice actor whose voice is the most important point of himself. Miyuki Oyama (Nobuo Tomita) is a bright and positive girl who is dreaming of working with Suzuno someday and is aiming to become a voice actor. In junior high school, she was bullied by her classmate. She got her relief from the voice of Suzuno, which changed her trajectory of life. So she boldly told Suzuno that \"I like the voice actor Suzuno.\" To her surprise, although they have never dated, Suzuno unexpectedly proposed to her, this love story suddenly started.