Plot Summary:In an isolated country house close to the shore near Saint-Tropez, seven young women share a bedroom. Over two days, they wake, shower, breakfast, play dress up, bathe in the sea, picnic, ride bikes, pick flowers, have a pillow fight, run on the strand, practice ballet stretches, groom themselves and each other, and laugh. Anne returns a horse to Renaud; the next day, he's in a rowboat and meets her by the pier. By the film's end, all are celebrating with the lovers.
导演 大卫·汉密尔顿 据说是一个非常喜欢描绘“少女(处女)美”的唯美主义者 【圣卓佩兹之夏】(A Summer in Saint Tropez)堪称把对“少女美”的刻画推向了极致:故事讲述一位少女即将出嫁、她的女友们围绕着她进行出嫁前最后的“告别仪式”……全片没有一句对白,只有唯美的画面和动人的音乐,简直是一幅搬上银幕的印象主义绘画。