Plot Summary:Captain Jean-Luc Picard convinces Fleet Admiral Shanthi that the Federation must no longer maintain neutrality because the Duras side's alliance with the Romulans turns the raging Klingon civil war into sort of a proxy war, which Gowron's loyal side is losing. All major Enterprise officers take starship commands, including Data, who had to ask for this first and immediately faces a transfer request from his first officer, Lt. Commander Christopher Hobson, who has a prejudice against androids, yet Data keeps him on. Picard is startled to hear that the Romulan commander Sela claims to be Tasha's daughter, first thinks it's a lie, then hears Guinan's theory confirmed, which would mean the previous Enterprise is indirectly responsible for the present conflict. Now the civil war is going badly, Worf's loyalty to Gowron and his family leadership are challenged at his own side, he falls in the hands of the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor. Picard coordinates his fleet with Gowron's forces, ...