成吉思汗的两匹骏马Zwei Pferde des Dschingis Khan(2009)

又名:Two Horses of Genghis Khan


主演:Urna Chahar-Tugchi Hicheengui Sambuu Chimed Dolgor 

导演:比亚姆巴苏伦·达娃 / 编剧:琵亚芭苏伦·戴娃 Byambasuren Davaa





Plot Summary:A promise, an old, destroyed horse head violin and a song believed lost lead the singer Urna back to Outer Mongolia. Her grandmother was forced to destroy her once loved violin in the tumult of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The ancient song of the Mongols, "The Two Horses of Genghis Khan", was engraved on the violin's neck. Only the violin's neck and head survived the cultural storm. Now it is time to fulfill the promise that Urna made to her grandmother. Arrived in Ulan Bator, Urna brings the still intact parts of the violin - head and neck - to Hicheengui, a renowned maker of horse head violins, who will build a new body for the old instrument in the coming weeks. Then, Urna leaves for the interior to look there for the song's missing verses. But she will be disappointed. None of the people whom she meets on the way appears to still know the old melody of the Mongols.
《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》原为蒙古族民间叙事诗,是长调名曲,它讲述了成吉思汗训练的两匹非常矫健的小骏马从逃离到最终回归马群、立下汗马功劳的故事。而电影《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》由琵亚芭苏伦·戴娃(Byambasuren DAVAA)导演,乌仁娜担任主演。它讲述的故事是这样的:乌仁娜的奶奶珍藏有一把马头琴,琴上镌刻着《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》的文字。文革年代,琴身遭毁,只留下马头和残缺的诗词。奶奶临终前嘱托乌仁娜,一定要找到完整的诗词。为了完成奶奶的遗愿,乌仁娜一路找寻,从内蒙来到外蒙……


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