沓挂时次郎 游侠一匹沓掛時次郎 遊侠一匹(1966)

又名:Yukyo ippiki / Tokijiro of Kutsukake / Kutsukake Tokijiro - yukyo ippiki / One Man of the Gambler's Code


主演:中村锦之助 池内淳子 中村信次郎 

导演:加藤泰 / 编剧:掛札昌裕/铃木尚之 Naoyuki Suzuki/长谷川伸 Shin Hasegawa

沓挂时次郎 游侠一匹:在线播放

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沓挂时次郎 游侠一匹:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:According to the code of the gamblers, Tokijiro, though he dislikes killing, has to join in the fighting when afforded a night's stay and meals at the home of a town boss. He will be tested again and again in the bloody tale.
too simple
