在一个魔幻的世界里,强大而发达的精灵一族诺瑞恩人正遭受着资源枯竭的困扰。为了拯救国中子民,国王派出使者寻找新的土地。他们来到富饶的吉哈莫拉,受到当地原著民洛克尼人的欢迎。然而随着时间的推移,两个民族间的矛盾逐渐凸现。在战争狂人——国王的妹妹西德莎的率领下,诺瑞恩军队对善良的洛克尼人展开大屠杀。饱受蒙蔽的诺瑞恩国王剥夺了西德莎的皇族身份,然西德莎却阴谋毒害国王一家,最终这个作恶多端的女人被流放边疆。 15年后,洛克尼战争孤儿迪亚哥偶然邂逅了诺瑞恩国王的女儿克拉,两个年轻人对彼此都产生好感,却因国仇家恨难以走到一起。另一方面,在黑暗中蛰伏已久的西德莎谋划重返光明世界……In an exotic divided land, Delgo, an adventurous dreamer but naive teenager, must rally his group of troubled youth and some unlikely friends to protect their world from conflict between the terrestrial Lockni people, who harness the mysteries of the land, And the winged Nohrin people, who rule the skies. They live - segregated - in an uneasy peace until Delgo was framed for a crime he did not commit. After enlisting the help of a unlikely friend to escape a Nohri prison, Delgo discovers Imhoff is in danger so he must unite the two races against a common foe.