在看似平常温馨的夜里,一个羊羔面具正在制造杀戮的阴霾,任何时间,任何人,都有可能成为面具杀手的下一个目标。年轻的艾琳(沙妮·文森 Sharni Vinson 饰)正随着她的男朋友克里斯皮安(AJ·鲍恩 AJ Bowen 饰)回密苏里度假屋中参加他父母的结婚纪念日。克里斯皮安的兄弟和妹妹都带着另一半前来聚会,一家人在饭桌前其乐融融。然而屋外却是另一番令人毛骨悚然的景象,几个头戴面具的杀手正对这家人虎视眈眈。突然,弟弟德雷克背部中枪,杀戮迅速展开,其他家庭成员相继受到惊吓和伤害。就在这危急时刻,艾琳反客为主,组织起全家防御,迸发出惊人的求生本能,度假屋瞬间变成你死我活的血腥战场……Aubrey and Paul Davison welcome his family for a reunion in their isolated vacation house. Their sons Crispian comes with his girlfriend Erin; Felix with his girlfriend Zee; Drake with his wife Kelly; and their daughter Aimee comes with her boyfriend Tariq. When they are ready to have dinner, they are attacked by a stranger with a crossbow, and Drake is wounded by an arrow and Tariq dies. They discover that their cell phones are jammed and they are trapped in the house. Erin tries to protect the house, closing doors and windows, but the masked killers murder the members of the family. Are the killers lunatic? What is the motive for slaughtering the Davison family?