1997年,和战争几乎摧毁了旧世界的一切,天灾人祸,世道离乱,幸存者艰难求生,文明沦落,这是一个弱肉强食的残酷世界。少年(Munro Chambers 饰)居住在隐蔽的所在,他经常出没在废墟间,依他称之为“寻宝”的方式寻找有用的物品,然后换取食物以及他最喜欢的漫画书《极爆战士》。在此期间,古灵精怪的女孩“苹果”爱普尔(Laurence Leboeuf 饰)自顾自闯入少年的领地,虽然起初颇有些不情愿,不过少年慢慢接受了这个新伙伴。当他们的关系终于更进一步的时候,女孩突然被某个邪恶组织抓走,被迫要参加血腥残酷的角斗大赛。 为了救回爱普尔,少年化身他最崇拜的漫画英雄极爆战士冲入对方的领地……In a post-apocalyptic future, THE KID, a young solitary scavenger obsessed with comic books must face his fears and become a reluctant hero when he meets a mysterious girl named APPLE. Despite their efforts to keep to themselves, ZEUS, the sadistic and self-proclaimed leader of the Wasteland, plagues THE KID and APPLE. Armed with little more than blind faith and an ancient turbocharged weapon, THE KID learns of justice and friendship and embarks on an incredible journey to rid the Wasteland of evil and save the girl of his dreams.