西风烈豆瓣小站 张宁(夏雨 饰)是一名香港黑拳手,为了向女友孙静(杨采妮 饰)证明自己,张宁受雇在香港杀人,案发后与女友踏上了逃亡之路。一年后,甘肃警方昔日的“四大名捕”——“豹子”向西(段奕宏 饰)、“藏獒”何建中(倪大红 饰)、“羊倌儿”杨晓明(吴京 饰)与“牦牛”韩朝东(张立 饰)齐聚戈壁,追捕张宁。与此同时,因张宁偷拍了雇主的照片,并以此作为要求警方不追究孙静的筹码,成名已久的国际杀手麦高(吴镇宇 饰)受命携师傅的孙女阿诺(余男 饰)不远千里追索张宁,以毁灭证据。一时间,三方在戈壁为各自生存或使命激烈碰撞,展开了连场激战……Zhang Ning, a hitman and underground boxer fleeing through the Gobi with his pregnant girlfriend, Sun Jing. Several nemeses are hot on their trail, including a pair of ruthless killers and a cadre of lawmen headed by Detective Leopard. Early on, the officers manage to capture Zhang and Sun and take them to their camp, but the assassins soon appear as well, which forces Zhang to assume a heroic role in the presence of his captors, and ignites a series of surprising and explosive reversals.