本片是一部独立影片,以自由的言论对达尔文进化论提出了质疑。这部电影是一个控诉,也是一个警钟。它控诉美国思想界压制任何向“达尔文进化论”提出批判的科学理论。一位科学家不论有多少成就,如果他胆敢从科学研究的立场对进化论提出质疑,他就“大限”已到,遭受到学术上的打压和放逐的命运,包括升等遭到拒绝,或是被学术机构解聘。Academic freedom is being suppressed, says Ben Stein. He contends that professors from around the United States are being fired from their jobs for promoting, or even exploring the possibility of, intelligent design as an alternative to Darwinism. Stein interviews the expelled academics and other supporters of intelligent design. He also interviews the scientists in the mainstream, who support Darwinism. Stein links Darwinism to Nazism, Communism, eugenics and abortion. Vintage clips of educational films and Hollywood movies are used to illustrate points in a satirical way.