拉胡尔是震惊全印度的天才歌手,可是不知道如何面对明星地位的他整天喝酒烂醉,不务正业。直到有一天他遇见了美丽的阿罗伊,拉胡尔被阿罗伊完美的嗓音吸引,决定培养她,让她成为印度最好的歌手。慢慢的两人深深爱上彼此。。。两位主角将带着我们在整篇音乐之旅中领略他们生活中的爱与恨、 曲折和动荡、成功和失败。最终他们是生活在一起或者分道扬镳独自一人呢?Rahul is a singer, who loses his career due to his drinking habits. He meets Arohi in a bar in Goa, where she works to earn a living. Impressed by her singing, he promises her to take her to Mumbai and make her a star, where they fall in love with each other. Aashiqui 2 is a musical love story of these lovers who goes through love and hate, fame and failure in their lives. However will they stay together accepting their success, or will they breakup due to their ego?