三峡建设工作正在进行中的奉节县城,迎来一男一女两个山西人。 男人韩三明(韩三明 饰)来自汾阳,是名忠厚老实的煤矿工人,来奉节为寻十六年未见的前妻。前妻是他当年用钱买来的,生完孩子后跑回了奉节。寻找前妻的过程中波折不断,韩三明决定留下来做苦力一直等到前妻出现。女人沈红(赵 涛 饰)来自太原,是名沉默寡言的护士,为寻多日不曾与自己联系的丈夫而来奉节。丈夫与她的夫妻关系早已是有名无实,这点她虽然深知,仍想让丈夫当面给她个说法。沈红的找寻过程也不是一帆风顺,丈夫在有意无意地躲着她。韩三明和沈红虽不认识,却因为要做相对意义上的“拿起”与“舍弃”抉择,在冥冥之中有了某种神秘的联系。 本片荣获2006年第63届威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖。Coalminer Han Sanming comes from Fengyang in Shanxi to the Three Gorges town Fengjie to look for his ex-wife whom he has not seen for 16 years. The couple meet on the bank of the Yangtze River and vow to remarry. Nurse Shen Hong also comes to Fengjie from Taiyuan in Shanxi to look for her husband who has not been home for two years. The couple embrace each other and waltz under the imposing Three Gorges dam, but feel they are so apart and decide to have a divorce. The old township has been submerged, while a new town has to be built. Life persists in the Three Gorges - what should be taken up is taken up, what should be cast off is cast off.