杰米(杰克•吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)出身医药世家,舌灿莲花,热情似火,是电器行的金牌销售,不过由于桃花运太壮,以至于因为跟女同事在工作时间亲热,被老板开除。此后,他在辉瑞公司连番洗脑后,成为了一名医药销售代表。为了能打开区域市场,他摸清了某医院的底细,决定从主治医师斯坦下手。他用1千美元的支票,换取了一个实习生的身份,穿梭于诊室。某日,他偶然间邂逅了因帕金森症就诊的女患者玛姬(安妮•海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰),并阴差阳错瞥见了她的乳房。正当花花公子以为占了便宜时,却被玛姬抡包打伤,甚至还拍了照片。为了讨回声誉,他利用关系要到了对方号码,并约她面谈。没想到这次约会,却让两人陷入了匪夷所思的亲密关系之中,令他难以自拔。正当杰米因伟哥成为销售红人时,玛姬的病患却每况愈下……Maggie (Hathaway) is an alluring free spirit who won't let anyone - or anything - tie her down. But she meets her match in Jamie (Gyllenhaal), whose relentless and nearly infallible charm serve him well with the ladies and in the cutthroat world of pharmaceutical sales. Maggie and Jamie's evolving relationship takes them both by surprise, as they find themselves under the influence of the ultimate drug: love.