《发如血》经营假发店的小美、小蜜两姐妹一向不睦。某夜,小蜜带朋友回店饮酒作乐,放荡不羁的年轻人不仅大讲鬼故事,还拿着小美新收了的一束头发取乐。殊不知头发的主人来自某死者,无畏的青年引火烧身。《阴阳棺》新婚仅一周的年轻夫妻意外死亡,他们的棺木停在位于郊外的豪华别墅内。一名在医院工作的青年应征为死者守灵。青年偶然打开棺木,不觉位女主人的美丽容颜所慑服,而他无意中发现的秘密,无疑引领他走向禁忌的底线和黑暗恐怖。《打卡终》某公司员工白天泡钟点,夜晚赶工骗加班费。为了教训他们,上司凯仁、阿迪扮鬼吓人。整蛊一波接一波,终于发现连异界众生也加入其中……Thailand's latest horror omnibus is made up of three chilling stories. Two sisters who own a wig shop. A funeral home employee falls in love. Two company directors who love playing scary pranks. Three stories set at 3 AM, the scariest hour of the night, where all spirits are free to roam.