宁静的小镇住着一群善良的人们,已至中年的安迪(杰夫·布里奇斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)在失业后不久,妻子和他离婚嫁入豪门,儿子也跟着过上了他一辈子都不可能给予的生活。可怜的安迪只能坐在肮脏的小酒馆里发呆,想一些奇怪的发财致富的方法,然后不顾一切的去实践,期望借此走出自己人生的阴霾。这一天,正当所有人都在担心陷入沉思的他时,安迪突然灵机一动,决定投身于色情产业,拍A片淘金。对于他的计划,小镇上一大票朋友也表示出浓厚的兴趣,他们纷纷出钱出力,而且加入了这支临时组建的A片摄制队伍。他们制定了一套完整的拍摄的计划,可是真正的实践起来,却并不那么容易。最终他们也没能够A片发财致富,不过,这群人倒是都得到了别样的“甜蜜”。Andy Sargentee is a decent guy and the town's favorite failure: an unemployable dreamer whose ex's husband's wealth intimidates Andy to such an extent he does little with his teen son. Andy's new idea is for Butterface Fields to be the first town to band together to make the first full-length feature amateur adult film. He recruits five regulars at Floyd's Bar to contribute $2000 each. They get the kid at the video store, whose camcorder is constantly on, to be the cinematographer. The pal they all call "Some Idiot" volunteers to be writer-director. Otis becomes producer. Now, can they find actors, and especially, women? Can a pornography project give Andy self-respect?