“人生路上步履不停,为何总是慢一拍”。 位于偏远小镇的横山一家,生活平静祥和。父亲恭平(原田芳雄 饰)是业已退休的医生,却时时牵挂小镇诊所内的事务。长子纯平继承了父亲的事业,却在15年前为救落水儿童而溺水身亡。次子良多(阿部宽 饰)与父亲意见相左,执意前往异地当起了绘画修复师。多年的打拼换来的却是失业,困顿的良多与带着孩子的由香里(夏川结衣 饰)结婚,相互扶持,继续生活。 又逢纯平的忌日,良多和姐姐千奈美(YOU 饰)带着家人分别赶回家中。平静的横山家再次热闹起来…… 本片荣获2009年蓝丝带最佳导演奖和最佳女配角奖(树木希林)、2008年报知电影和2009年电影旬报最佳女配角(树木希林)、2009年每日电影奖最佳男主角(阿部宽)、2008年马塔布拉塔国际电影节评审团大奖和最佳影片。Still Walking is a family drama about grown children visiting their elderly parents, which unfolds over one summer day. The aging parents have lived in the family home for decades. Their son and daughter return for a rare family reunion, bringing their own families with them. They have gathered to commemorate the tragic death of the eldest son, who drowned in an accident fifteen years ago. Although the roomy house is as comforting and unchanging as the mother's homemade feast, everyone in the family has subtly changed.