毕业前的最后一堂哲学课,20名学生被逼参与思想实验。他们由班房跳进核辐射浩劫现场,若未能在防空洞争一席位,器官将瞬即被辐射尘贯穿,痛苦致死。然而,防空洞内的氧气及食物只够10人存活一年。 哲学生以抽签决定身份和技能。为延续人类命脉,他们需运用哲学逻辑,公开咨询并举手投票,选出10位最有价值的人物住进防空洞。聪明人比好人有资格留低?工程师的价值比诗人重要?一票延续一命,要牺牲谁去成就社会?When the last day of school comes for a group of students in a philosophy class, their instructor, Mr. Zimit, challenges them to different sorts of exercises that take place in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world. While there, they each get chosen professions and have to decide whether who is valuable or not because the bunker they will be staying in for a year has only enough oxygen for 10 people. Mr. Zimit challenges them in different rounds to see how they could survive. Issues arise when they notice Mr. Zimit is disruptive to the game.